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TV nazionali
La fiction siriana. Mercato e politica della televisione nell’era degli Asad
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Egitto: lo spot che mobilita al voto
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Palestinian local media editorial policies face lack of profession
Palestinian journalists, working both in state media outlets and foreign news agencies, are challenging difficulties to deal with various events due to the different editorial policies adopted by the news agencies they are working for. A number of Palestinian […]
Dubbi algerini sulla riconferma del presidente Bouteflika
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L’ironia sui militari rende volatile il ritorno in tv di Bassem Youssef
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Il panorama televisivo libanese offuscato dal bipolarismo
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Antenne e pagine copte: dalla patria alla diaspora
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Zapping di regime
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A Militarized Media: a dirty war making many of us blind
Ever since the darkest day in Egypt’s history 14 August 2013, when over 800 people were killed by security forces in dispersing the over a month-long pro-Morsy Rabaa and Nahda sit-ins, Egyptians have been under curfew from 7pm to 6am […]