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Se l’Egitto boicotta le soap turche
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I Media siriani raccontano Isil: “un nido di vespe occidentali”
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Usa e Uk pazzi per i “Middle Eastern drama”
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The Turkish Touch. Neo-ottoman Hegemony and Turkish Television in the Middle East
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Ramadan 2014: un’alleanza panaraba per fare fiction
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Sending the Sultan Global
An interview with Izzet Pinto, by Joshua Carney Starting in 2006 with just a single TV show, Perfect Bride, and two people, Global Agency has blossomed into the world’s fastest-growing distributor of TV content and the leading distributor of […]
The Turkish touch. Egemonia neo-ottomana e televisione turca in Medio Oriente
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Dall’Egitto alla Siria: l’ultima stagione delle soap arabe
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Pandora’s screen? Turkish programming in the Arab world
In 2007, Fadi Ismail traveled from the UAE to Antalya, Turkey for a film festival. Clicking through the channels in his hotel room one evening, he was struck by the visuals of the dramas: stylish costumes, sumptuous food, and lavish […]